Below are the steps and tips that a production support engineer keep in mind :
- Gather memory leakage data by enabling GC verbose on deployment servers.
- If Application is in JAVA, then you make sure JSP page are with pre-compilation.
- For Web application, Check the deployment descriptor entries.
- HTTP session duration settings, Check for Auto Time out settings.
- Check JDBC Connection Pool Setting like initial and max no of connection with database with no by which it can increase.
- Look for code how developer is handing JDBC connection.
- Optimize Heap Size as per application load.
- High CPU utilization - This is the condition when a process is taking high portion of CPU. You may check that by top command of unix. you may kill it, if that is abnormal and not required to run.
- Monitor Garbage Collection
- Define Separate files for different logs
- Use Application log frameworks like log4j
- Use separate log files for Garbage collection per JVM.
- OS Chunk pool size
- OS Connection backlog buffering
- Use OS performance packs
- Setting OS TCP-IP parameters
- tcp_time_wait_interval
- tcp_conn_req_max_q